Ramadan is one of those special months in Islamic Calendar when Allah send his countless blessings on his people. This month is celebrated with great enthusias

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Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

Try to eat salads without adding dressings, mayonnaise, or cream. This will not only keep you healthy but also keep you hydrated throughout the day. Eat leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, collards, and mustard greens are helpful in giving you enough iron. Add watermelon, mangoes, peaches, berries, and pineapple in your iftar meal. Fresh fruits and vegetables will not only satisfy your appetite but also keep you away from eating more.

Say No to Junk Food

One of the main reason that can increase pounds of weight during Ramadan is eating junk food. It includes burgers, French fries, candies, cheese sticks, caffeinated drinks, pizza, ice-creams, and many more. Fast food chain all around the world allure the people with their special suhoor and iftar deals. This gives them nothing except additional calories which in the end make them obese and overweight.

Avoid Sugar

We need to stay thirst for a whole day and at the time of iftar the body crave for cold and sugary drink. Don’t place frizzy and carbonated drinks on your iftar table. Make seasonal fresh fruit juices or drink plain water. Avoid eating such food that is enriched with white sugar like pastries, cakes, jellies, pies, and puddings.

Don’t Eat Fried Food

In some countries, especially in South Asia, fried fitters and savories are an important part of the iftar meal. Most of these are prepared using canola oil, soybean oil, vegetable oil, corn oil, and sunflower oil. Consuming omega 6 fatty acids in such amount contributes to the weight gain. They also increase the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Check Right amount of Calories

Do check the amount of calories in the food that you are eating during suhoor and iftar. You can easily calculate it with the help of an online calorie calculator or installing an app in your phone. Make sure that you haven’t exceed the total amount of calories required per day for your body.

Exercise Daily

You shouldn’t go for cardio or plank, but do include light exercise in your schedule. You can also indulge yourself in household activities such as cleaning, gardening or mopping. Avoid a high intense workout during the day because it can make you thirsty. Try to walk at least thirty minutes or more before sleep to burn more calories.

Eat Slowly

Don’t indulge yourself in gluttony at iftar table because it will cause indigestion and obesity. An effective tip is that eat slowly taking small bites. This will signal your brain that you are not hungry anymore. Thus you will eat less and won’t end up increasing weight.

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