There are many benefits of exercising according to health experts. However here are 10 reasons why is exercise good for you and youngsters.

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One in four adults globally is inactive, according to the World Health Organization.  WHO defines activity as muscle movement in the body that requires expenditure of energy. This includes playing, working, traveling and carrying out physical tasks. Exercise comes under its category which is a more planned, structural and organized form of physical activity. It aims to improve our fitness and so it is considered essential for all. WHO recommends 60 minutes of exercise for children per day. And for adults, the activity amount is 150 per week. However here are 10 reasons why is exercise good for you.

Regulates blood pressure

Our pressure rises when we lead a sedentary lifestyle. This rise in pressure opens door to many other problems such as hypertensive emergency, heart attack, kidney problems etc. Exercise helps regulates our blood pressure and keeps these problems at bay.

Reduces fats from the body

Exercise cuts off extra fats from our body. Keeps our belly, waist and overall body is good shape. Exercise of a moderate amount is a must for losing weight. Aerobics, yoga, happy walk, stretching-all help in this regard.

Decreases risk of type 2 diabetes

Major reason of type-2 diabetes is sedentary lifestyle, according to Dr Sheraz, an endocrinologist based in Taxes. It is the foremost reason why even children are getting this disease. To keep it away from you, these are the reasons why is exercise good for you.

Stronger bones

Make your bones stronger and healthier through exercise such as Tai Chi, yoga, golf, dancing and so on. You can also take strength training from a fitness expert. Be cautious about taking any hard training yourself. It may not be helpful. It also improves our muscle mass.

Stronger immune system

Movement is also important for building a stronger immune system. This system helps protect us from harmful chemicals, toxins and infections. Exercise improves the immune system and keeps it healthy and strong.

Keeps stress away

Exercise also helps relieve stress. It releases ‘happy hormone’ that neutralizes our stress-producing hormone. As a result, our mood improves; we feel good and enjoy doing our work. Try brisk walk next time when you feel distressed.

Breathing improvement

Doctors recommend special breathing exercises for people with breathing problems. Moreover, such patients can also make exercise their routine for a healthy respiratory system.

Increases energy level

Exercise and regular activity keeps us vigilant and vibrant. It boosts our energy levels and helps us feel more fresh and active. With more oxygen supplied to each cell of the body, you feel good and happy even to work for longer hours.

Regulates sleeping patterns

Doctors say patients of insomnia and disturbed sleep patterns should try out exercise sessions before sleeping. It will help induce a great, eight hour sleep and help maintain this pattern.

Improves our memory

People with trouble remembering names, places etc feel great after adding exercise in their routine. It offers good impact on brain cells as a result, our cognitive abilities improve and we don’t feel stressed over things we cannot remember. These were 10 reasons why is exercise good for you to keep you healthy and smart.

Tags: exercise,health,

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